🐝 Into The Hiiv

In this issue we discuss beehiiv’s acquisition of Swapstack, why you can’t rely on traffic you don’t own, and the exponential state of the newsletter industry

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Hey there 👋,

In this issue we discuss:

  • beehiiv’s acquisition of Swapstack

  • Why you can’t rely on traffic you don’t own

  • The exponential state of the newsletter industry


🐝 Two Become One

Swapstack, the newsletter sponsorship and affiliate platform (we’ve written about here and here) has been acquired by beehiiv.

Jake Schoberger, the co-founder and CEO, announced on X:

He will be joining beehiiv as the Head of Brand Partnerships to lead the beehiiv Ad Network.

Tyler Denk, the co-founder and CEO, wrote a post on why they acquired Swapstack, who had facilitated over $2M in advertising spend since launch:

My co-founders and I previously built the ad management platform at Morning Brew, which facilitated tens of millions of dollars in advertising revenue for the company.

And with the addition of Swapstack… we are inheriting a killer team, with tremendous product and operational chops, and a wealth of expertise and relationships in the industry.

Tyler Denk

Jake Singer, the other co-founder of Swapstack, created a testimonial form at the top of the website to collect responses from users, and it really has helped a lot of newsletter operators to monetize and even make their first dollar online:

Congrats to both parties!

🧐 No More Guesswork, Just More Sales 💰

We all know the undeniable power of a daily habit.

Imagine if you put intentional and proactive daily focus on driving more leads and sales for your business.

By consistently implementing strategic actions, you create the momentum to propel your efforts forward 💨

Over time, your dedication builds trust and credibility with your audience, leading to increased conversions and customer loyalty.

All by embracing a daily habit — one that unlocks your full potential as a rainmaker that cultivates faster growth in your business.

This free guide includes simple, core actions for you (or your sales team!) to drive more results.

🛟 Email Will Save You

The recent Google Helpful Content Update has negatively hit many website operators who are realising that they’ve been investing in a rented media channel rather than something they own:

This is the complete opposite of running a newsletter business:

This is also now happening on YouTube, where creators are being hit with an invalid traffic issue where they are not being paid for their efforts:

Ed Lawrence explains that it’s when your views are considered bots, and there’s nothing you can do to challenge. The result is that some creators have stopped publishing as their income has vanished:

This is why it is so important to create a following off-platform, like on Twitter, Instagram, and email, so that you can diversify your risk.

BUT it’s also another reason you MUST find other ways to monetize outside of ad revenue.

Ed Lawrence

As Tyler from beehiiv says, email is again the solution.

📰 Classifieds

Want To Keep Growing But Afraid of Burning Out? — You know you want to do more, be more, and have more.....but how? There's still only 24 hours in a day. This free masterclass shares a precise path to accelerate success without burning out ever again.

Sponsorships(.com) Newsletter Agency helps newsletter operators earn more revenue through sponsorships with top brands. Check it out

The Newsletter Is The Business is everything we know about launching, scaling and selling editorial newsletter businesses. Check it out

☝️ One More Thing

The beehiiv time compression continues…

Disclaimer: Not financial or business advice. This newsletter is strictly for information and education purposes. There are no affiliate links in this issue.