📍Local Newsletters

In this issue, we discuss local newsletters, Sparkloop recommendations and content ideas.

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Hey there 👋,

In this issue, we discuss:

  • Local Newsletters.

  • Sparkloop Recommendations

  • Content Ideas


📍Local Newsletters

Local Newsletters “focuses on a specific location as its target audience. Similar to how a local newspaper would distribute its papers, these newsletters cover one town, city, or region.”

Beehiiv wrote a great article on what you need to start a local newsletter.

Local Newsletters do have their own struggle as well, just like any other business.

Though, with the right strategy and energy, it could be a great niche!

Ryan Sneddon, the local newsletter guy, made 200K revenue in 2023 from his newsletter in Annapolis.

Pricing being an important part of course, and so is quality! He shares tips to start, grow and monetize your local newsletter in Life of Scoop.

Local Newsletters can take other directions. Eric Holthaus, meteorologist, created Currently Weather Service, which gives you a recap of the weather depending on which city you live in!

Awesome concept and super useful!

🚀 Growth Newsletter

The team that scales Refind, currently, at 450k subscribers!

Brings you INBOX FOX! 100 quick tips to grow your newsletter.

A foxy newsletter to help you grow your audience.

Sparkloop Recommendations

Rohan Chheda, owner of Pitch Club (26k subscribers) made $26,000 in 4 months thanks to Sparkloop! Check out his free guide!

📰 Classifieds

Duuce is the #1 marketplace for buying & selling newsletters. See what your newsletter is worth with their free valuation calculator. Check it out

Double The Open & Click Rates of Your Emails — Learn the simple 5-Step SMART Process to help you permanently fix low open rates from the emails you send. This free guide shows you how

Lettergrowth is the #1 place to cross-promote with 1000+ Newsletters in 45 different niches for FREE Check it out

☝️ One More Thing

One more thing, 14 content ideas from Jeff Felten, to never run out of things to share with your audience!

Disclaimer: Not financial or business advice. This newsletter is strictly for information and education purposes.