🍿 Newsletter Mafias

In this issue of Newsletter Creator (brought to you by newsletters.co) we discuss newsletter mafias, becoming sophisticated and spying on ads

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Hey there 👋,

Welcome to the renamed and rebranded Newsletter Creator newsletter (formerly Creator Funnel), now attached to newsletters.co - the hub for learning to launch, scale and exit newsletter businesses. If you are here from the previous News’Letter Market by Duuce, you’re in the right place!

Newsletters.co was founded by Nick Frost and was one of the acquisitions within the Wisdom Media rollup by Scott Oldford.

Talking of which, Scott recently posted on X a behind the look at one of our smaller newsletters...

In this issue we discuss:

  • Newsletter mafias go to war

  • Newsletter sophistication (or the lack thereof)

  • Spying on the top newsletter’s ads


🍿 Newsletter Wars

You may have seen that earlier this week, Matt McGarry, from the beehiiv certified partner agency GrowLetter, got into a fued with Shaan Puri over statements he made on the latest My First Million Podcast about how much he was responsible with the growth of the Milk Road newsletter.

This post/thread is probably the best entry point and we’ve read through all the replies, with our favourite being this one by Dylan Jardon from the 1M+ subscriber Smart Nonsense daily comic letter:

In total all the posts/threads got well over a million impressions from this first mafia war. I wonder who long it will take before there is a second.

🧐 Becoming Sophisticated

Louis from Sparkloop posted the thread ‘A few thoughts on newsletter growth’ on X. The first post applies to the ‘discussion’ above about the Milk Road:

The really big, successful newsletters you read about nearly all have a secret...

... A LOT more of their subs came from paid acquisition than they say publicly.

Louis Nicholls

But the part that resonated most with us was that the newsletter business is still unsophisticated and in its infancy:

We all need to up-skill when it comes to understanding acquisition and growth related metrics, which is the type of content we will be creating at newsletters.co.

📰 Classifieds

Duuce is the #1 marketplace for buying & selling newsletters. See what your newsletter is worth with their free valuation calculator. Check it out

Sponsorships(.com) Newsletter Agency helps newsletter operators earn more revenue through sponsorships with top brands. Check it out

The Newsletter Is The Business is everything we know about launching, scaling and selling editorial newsletter businesses. Check it out

☝️ One More Thing

Whether the Milk Road’s growth to 250K subs was 90% or 50% paid acquisition, their Facebook ads were an integral part.

And there is a really handy site called WriterAds, built by Matthias, where you can spy on the Meta ads the top email newsletters are currently running:

Disclaimer: Not financial or business advice. This newsletter is strictly for information and education purposes. There are no affiliate links in this issue.